Jessica Simpson's Beauty Experiment: Fierce or Fug?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jessica Simpson's been busy in the beauty lab.

First there was the no makeup experiment, now the reality star's retweeted a couple of pics with her hair chopped off—making her look suspiciously like stylist Ken Paves...or Justin Bieber.

"Stopped in West Palm and picked up my Aunt to Atlantic City!!" Paves joked Sunday about the in-flight hair fun. He followed up with, "Aunt Vikki came along too!!!"

"Carol Brady who?" teased Simpson in response.

We're pretty sure the short 'do is actually a wig. And a good thing, too, seeing as Jess has enough middle-aged problems with mom jeans. Or do you think she should seriously consider making this cropped cut come true? Sound off in the comments!


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