John Travolta & Kelly Preston Expecting 'New Addition' To The Family

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston are welcoming a new addition to their family.

The Travolta family - John, Kelly and daughter Ella - confirmed reports that their family is set to grow, with a post on John's official Web site,, and Kelly's,

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Hollywood's Hottest Moms & Their Loveable Little Ones

"It's impossible to keep a secret... especially as wonderful as this," the family wrote in a statement posted on Tuesday afternoon.

"We want to be the first to share this great news with everyone that we are expecting a new addition to our family," the post concluded.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Celebrity Baby Bumps

The family signed their note, "Love, John, Kelly and Ella."

There was some confusion about whether or not Kelly was pregnant, or if her family was expanding via surrogacy or adoption, due to the wording of the family's statement. Earlier in the day, Star magazine was first to report that Kelly is three months pregnant. People magazine later reported the pregnancy on Tuesday afternoon, writing that "the family" confirmed the news.

A rep for the Travoltas directed Access to the family's statement on John and Kelly's Web site on Tuesday afternoon. When contacted again by Access to clarify the statement over how the family is expanding, the rep did not immediately respond.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: John Travolta & Family

John, 56, and Kelly, 47, lost their first child - their teenage son Jett, who succumbed to a "seizure disorder" while the family was vacationing in the Bahamas over New Year's 2009.

The family's happy news comes one day after it was confirmed that that two small dogs, owned by the Travoltas, were killed last week at Bangor International Airport in Maine.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Hollywood Loves John Travolta

"Two small dogs on leashes were taken for walk by someone who is not a family member. An airport service pickup truck was approaching the airplane to service the aircraft and did not see the dogs. Unfortunately the dogs were struck and killed," a rep for the airport said in a statement to Access on Tuesday.


Iron Man 2 Trailer

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Mother of three Kimora Lee Simmons has some advice for fellow moms...take time for yourself.

"It doesn't always have to be going to the spa because maybe we can't afford that, but take some time for yourself," she told me while promoting her Style Network show Life in the Fab Lane.

And that means closing the door when you're in the bathroom, according to her...

"Moms always have the kids walking in when we're on the toilet," she explained. "They're like 'Mom, let me see! What's that smell?' Close the door...take a moment, light a candle, medidate."

Kimora also dished that it's a turn on to have a guy who's into diaper duty...

"He's very hands on," she said of her "hubby" Djimon Hounson, who is father to baby Kenzo. "It's so romantic and sexy to have a guy who changes diapers in the middle of the night!"

While first time father Djimon is very protective, Kimora says she takes a more relaxed approached to parenting. "I tell him 'I've done this before. I have a track record!", she says, referring to her daughters Ming and Aoki.

But there's one thing she won't allow her children to do (unlike some other reality show moms):

"You won't see my girls on the stripper pole!" she told me.


Betty White Golden on Saturday Night Live

Betty White isn't the only one thankful for the millions of people wasting time on Facebook.

The 88-year-old actress killed it on last night's much buzzed-about Saturday Night Live. From "Weekend Update" and "MacGruber" to discussing her "salty muffins" on a public radio cooking show, White, with her usual charming sassiness, appeared in almost every sketch without ever missing a beat and reminding us all why she's still loved after six decades in showbiz.

In her opening monologue, Betty thanked Facebook for the half-a-million-person-strong campaign that resulted in her SNL hosting gig, although admitting that the social networking site seems like a huge waste of time.

"I would never think that people on it were losers — but that's just because I'm polite," she said.

SNL alums Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon joined the fun on last night's special Mother's Day episode. Jay-Z was the musical guest.


Miley Cyrus' Twitter Account Belongs to Neither Miley Nor a Cyrus

Monday, April 12, 2010

Never mind all those @mileycyruses.

Despite the number of Twitter accounts claiming to belong to the Miley Cyrus that have tens of thousands of followers, a rep for the teen queen assured E! News that Cyrus has not opted to rejoin the site since closing her account in October.

From @MILEYCYRUS to @mileycyrus_ to @MileyCyrusNet, not one is the real deal.

After reaching the million-plus mark in followers, Cyrus opted to quit Twitter after boyfriend Liam Hemsworth requested that she delete her account "with good reason."

And since then, Cyrus (who still maintains a subscription-based official website and blog) has become an outspoken opponent of Facebook, Twitter and too much free social networking in general.

"I have a lot more real friends as opposed to friends who are on the Internet who I'm talking to—which is like not cool, not safe, not fun and most likely not real. I think everything is just better when you're not so wrapped up," she said last month.

Yeah, we'll see what happens when Liam decides Twitter is for him, after all.


Brooke Burke: Kate Gosselin's "Trying Really Hard"

At least that's what Dancing With the Stars cohost Brooke Burke thinks ya need to do to up your performances on the dance floor…

"I hope she can overcome her fear," Burke told us when she stopped by E! recently for an appearance on Daily 10. "I'd like to see her get some positive feedback for what she's doing. She's really trying hard."

And if all else fails, Kate, have some fun. "I think people get consumed with the stress element," Brooke said. "It's really important to have fun so people can have fun watching you…It does take a lot to hold it together out there."

And speaking of holding it together, can we just say Burke has one of the best bods we've ever seen. She credits her fine physique to Pilates Plus.
Even so, Burke insists she has no plans to pose for Playboy again: "I can't think of any reason to do it again."


Michelle McGee's Newest Bombshell: Apologizing to Sandra Bullock

Maybe Michelle "Bombshell" McGee really is feeling remorseful over what she did to Sandra Bullock. Maybe the tatted one really did get "duped" by Jesse James. Or maybe the Australian exchange rate is just way better than we thought.

Whatever the reason, James' original other woman sat down for an interview with, of all places, Australia's Channel 7 news team, giving her soft-spoken side of the story and offering up a not-so-better, late-than-never apology to Bullock.

"I know what she's going through," McGee said. "She must be hurt, devastated, upset, embarrassed. I want to give her a heartfelt apology. I'm sorry for her embarrassment and her pain—I do feel really bad about it.

"I would say, 'Sandra, you know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for your embarrassment, I'm sorry all this is public.' It is a heartfelt apology. I'm sorry for what she is going through."

But she's just as sorry at her own victimization at the hands of Jesse—equal, she claims, to Sandra's.
"I feel like he lied to me as much as he lied to her. I wouldn't have been with him if he was just honest in the beginning."

After initially contacting him via MySpace, ostensibly to secure employment at West Coast Choppers, McGee said they met face-to-face just one week later at his Long Beach shop. They spoke of kids and their families.

"I did know he was married to Sandra, yes," she said, adding that she questioned him about his marriage, only to be shut down. According to McGee, James' reply was: "I'm not allowed to talk about it. I don't want to discuss it. She lives in Austin, I live here, we don't live together, we're not together, it's 'cause she's filming this movie. We just can't talk about it. We can't discuss it."

So they didn't. But they did consummate their fledgling relationship "two or three times" that first night.

Throughout their supposed 11-month relationship, which McGee says they mutually ended when James went to Europe and which included a text message from him as recently as a week before the story broke, he "never, never, never" spoke about Sandra except to say that they were separated.

"I believed it."

In what seems like a particularly flagrant move on James' part, McGee says that for one of their "dates," the duo sat on a couch in James' office watching the MTV Movie Awards—the very ceremony that Bullock appeared on.

As for the question plaguing many—If James wasn't ready or willing to settle down, why get married in the first place?—McGee offered up her expert opinion.

"I don't know. I don't really see what they had in common, but I really don't know much about Sandra. Maybe opposites attract? I don't know. It's hard to say."

After the reporter floated the idea that maybe Jesse was more interested in the fame the union would bring, McGee said, "Who knows?"

"Maybe he was in love with her, maybe he was attracted to her goodness, you know, the cleanliness of it.

"I do feel guilty, I feel bad. I feel like I was duped just as much as Sandra was. I felt like I was lied to just as much as she was. If Jesse was just up front with me in the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation."

But she still thinks the situation is all for the best, particularly in Sandra's case.

"I feel better that she knows the truth about him, that act that he was doing at the Oscars…I was just really sad for her for the most part. When she said, 'This man has my back,' I was like, No, he doesn't have your back—he's doing it behind your back."

And behind McGee's back, who said she was "shocked, but not surprised" to find out James was juggling other women.

"I kind of had a feeling, like a woman instinct, that there was other girls, just 'cause it was so easy for him to approach me, not knowing me, and he was just so easy to talk to...just seemed like he had done it before."
As for why McGee is speaking out now, she says the time was right to tell her side of the story.

"The biggest misconception is that tI'm a Nazi, I'm a racist, white supremacist, which is absolutely not true.

"I've been called a homewrecker, a slut, a whore. I'm very surprised by that, that more people aren't taking my side. I don't want anybody's pity…but, you know, Jesse is the bad guy here."

She denies that she broke up Bullock's marriage, and says her next move will be to "redeem [her] reputation."
"My reputation's been tarnished, especially with the Nazi and white supremacist stuff. It's very, very hurtful to hear those things over a silly photo shoot. I regret, in hindsight, I shouldn't have done the photo shoot."

She denies, however, that a love of German military garb is a hobby she shared with James, saying the surfacing of his personal "heil" photo shoot was "just a coincidence."

She also denied her ex-husband's claims that she had any undue interest in Nazi culture, saying, "My husband is full of crap. My husband will say and do anything to tarnish me, to make me look bad in the media. He's used this as a way to sway the courts."

No matter what ends up happening, it's already beyond—for better and worse—McGee's expectations.


Save One Show: We Have a Winner!

Talk about a smackdown! (Or whatever the cool kids are calling it these days...Beatdown? Throwdown? Kerfluffle?)

The final results are in for E! Online's 2010 Save One Show—the campaign that lets you fans pick the TV series you want to save from possible cancellation—and the winning series triumphed by such a landslide, with more than 50 percent of the total votes, that the show's boss joked to me: "I've been sneaking in and hacking in to the E! computers!"

He kids, people.

So who's the big winner?

Drumroll, please…

Save One Show, Zachary Levi, Chuck

"We are so thankful that our fans voted for Chuck in such a huge way," Chuck bosses Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak tell us today of their SOS win. "Though we are also a little frightened of their ability to control the Internet. Our fear aside, we are honored to have the greatest fans in the history of television."

(All "hacking" jokes from Josh aside, we can tell you we have technology firmly in place that prevents robo-voting and hacking…Even by "Intersect"-savvy fans.)

After starting off Save One Show with 20 contenders (all network series that have not yet received a pickup for the 2010-11 season), you fans narrowed the list down to six finalists. Nearly a million votes came in, and here are the final results:
  1. Chuck 52%
  2. One Tree Hill 20%
  3. Life Unexpected 11%
  4. Heroes 8%
  5. Better Off Ted 5%
  6. Parenthood 4%
The Save One Show battle also raged on Twitter, where thousands of you tweeted #SOS with the name of your favorite show. The series with the most tweets was yet another NBC series, which gets this honorable mention for having the most Twitterific fans: Heroes. Here is the breakdown of number of mentions on Twitter:
  1. Heroes 36%
  2. One Tree Hill 32%
  3. Chuck 28%
  4. Life Unexpected 2%
  5. Parenthood 1%
  6. Better Off Ted 1%
It deserves mentioning that the CW's One Tree Hill scored the runner-up spot in both races—not too shabby! The CW's Life Unexpected and NBC's Parenthood clearly already have much fan love even though they're brand-spanking new. And ABC's Better Off Ted should continue because "funny things should be allowed to go on living…that's how evolution works," according to show runner Victor Fresco. Our secret prayer? That all of these fan-favorite series make it to another season. But again, this campaign is all about championing one show.

So now that you fans have spoken, we are happy to hold up our end of the bargain. Tonight on E! News, Chuck will be crowned our Save One Show winner, and we're taking your message directly to the NBC execs (we're coming to you, Jeff Zucker) to make sure they know you fans want Chuck to stick around--and your passionate and active involvement makes the show that much more worth saving. The good news? Zachary Levi himself tells us he's feeling "optimistic" about another season, and as you can see from this video below, he is loving you fans for rallying. [Spoiler warning: Do not watch the video if you haven't watched last Monday's mind-blowingly good episode of Chuck! 'Cause Zach talks about what's next.]

If you're curious about the baby reference Zach makes in the video above, then you've missed out on yet another very good reason to love this show: The stars themselves care just as much as we do. After Zach joked that he would have Josh Gomez's (Morgan) baby if  they made it to round two of Save One Show, E! News made him stick to his word by donning a baby bump, alongside Josh (wearing a "Hot Papa" T-shirt) while appearing at WonderCon among the fans. And yes, Zach and Josh did it, and as you who watch E! News know, it was awesome. You gotta love actors who aren't above getting down and dirty with their costar fans!

This kind of charisma and likability—which goes for the rest of the Chuck cast—is just one of the reasons this action-comedy deserves to survive. It's funny, it's always a good time, and it has a lot of heart. And hello…where else can we get Jeffster?!


Jennifer Aniston: Go Directly to Cougar Town!

Jennifer Aniston is a very wanted woman over in bestie Courteney Cox's Cougar Town.

Not only did the hit show's honcho Bill Lawrence tell our own Watch With Kristin that he'd love to snag Aniston for a guest gig, but now costar Busy Phillips tells us she'd welcome her, too.

"I hope she comes on," Phillips told us at this weekend's 31st Annual College Television Awards in Hollywood. "She's lovely. I've hung out with her with Courteney. She seems adorable."

And what kind of role would Phillips like to see Aniston tackle?

"I think it would be fun to see her be really mean," Phillips said. "That was what Lisa Kudrow did a little bit. She was mean to Courteney, and it was fun for me to see because I'm a huge Friends fan. Anything [Aniston] would want to do I think would be great."

Hey, if another Friends reunion doesn't work out on Cougar Town, how about inviting someone from Dawson's Creek? Phillips, who played Audrey Liddell on Dawson's, says she recently spoke to former costar James Van Der Beek. "I just talked to him!" she said. "He called me to tell he's having a baby…He's going to be an amazing dad. I'm really happy for him."


Conan Shocker! O'Brien Disses Fox, Heads to TBS

Well, we didn't see this one coming.

After months of all-but-assumed reports that Conan O'Brien would be taking his late-night talents to Fox this fall comes the surprise announcement that the dethroned Tonight Show host will instead be moving to basic cable, launching his new late-night talk show on TBS in November.

Which means the Superstation just got a little more super.

"The good news: I will be doing a show on TBS starting in November!" O'Brien tweeted this morning. "The bad news: I'll be playing Rudy on the all new Cosby Show."

"In three months I've gone from network television to Twitter to performing live in theaters, and now I'm headed to basic cable," he added in a slightly more official statement. "My plan is working perfectly."

Well, he'll certainly be keeping some funny basic cable company.

TBS also announced that O'Brien's untitled show will air four nights a week, Mondays through Thursdays, at 11 p.m. While it may seem an odd choice, it's not unprecedented: George Lopez's Lopez Tonight late-night chatfest already airs on the cable net, but will get pushed back to midnight to accommodate O'Brien's new venture.

As for the irony in O'Brien's show pushing back the airtime of one of his late-night colleagues, Lopez certainly doesn't seem to mind.

"I can't think of anything better than doing my show with Conan as my lead-in," Lopez said. "It's the beginning of a new era in late-night comedy."

No exact start date for the show has yet been set, but it's expected to debut sometime in November. (Now that's what we call a sweeps stunt.)

As for those Fox talks, Variety reported that negotiations stalled over concern from affiliates, who bank a pretty buck off the syndicated sitcoms that currently run in the 11 p.m. hour.

In the meantime, Team CoCo fans know full well that they can catch O'Brien on his Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour, which kicks off, not so coincidentally, tonight in Eugene, Ore.


Jessica Simpson's Beauty Experiment: Fierce or Fug?

Jessica Simpson's been busy in the beauty lab.

First there was the no makeup experiment, now the reality star's retweeted a couple of pics with her hair chopped off—making her look suspiciously like stylist Ken Paves...or Justin Bieber.

"Stopped in West Palm and picked up my Aunt to Atlantic City!!" Paves joked Sunday about the in-flight hair fun. He followed up with, "Aunt Vikki came along too!!!"

"Carol Brady who?" teased Simpson in response.

We're pretty sure the short 'do is actually a wig. And a good thing, too, seeing as Jess has enough middle-aged problems with mom jeans. Or do you think she should seriously consider making this cropped cut come true? Sound off in the comments!


Week in Review: Kate Can't Be Stopped, Jenny & Jim Call It Quits, Sandra & Jesse Deny Sex Tape

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kate Can't Be Stopped, Jenny & Jim Call It Quits, Sandra & Jesse Deny Sex TapeFrom a pretty shocking breakup to a sick sex-tape rumor, from a certain celeb's inexplicable progress on Dancing With the Stars to the return of a tarnished goldenboy, you can't say the past seven days have been without controversy.

DANCE DANCE DEVOLUTION: Things are going along on Dancing With the Stars: Nicole Scherzinger and Evan Lysacek are kicking butt, Maksim Chmerkovskiy may or may not be romancing Erin Andrews (who's receiving death threats, yikes!), Buzz Aldrin had a few charming weeks before being sent on his American-hero way…and then there's Kate Gosselin. The mother of eight hasn't even been in the bottom two, and she's terrible. Set aside the personal drama, her relentless self-absorption and all the haters—Kate's not fun to watch. Neither was Aldrin, of course, but he was charming. But since she's not going to quit and the record number of fans and/or schadenfreudists are obviously getting personal with their votes, we'll see what happens in a few days, now that Jon Gosselin has filed (shoddily) for primary custody of the kids, Hugh Hefner has shunned her and TLC is preparing a slate of new Katecentric programming starting this summer. Which, argh, still gives her time to win the disco ball.

TANGLED UP IN EW: Just when the scandalous sex reports seemed to pertain entirely to Jesse James, Sandra Bullock got sucked into the Nazi-paraphernalia picture, with both of them having to make contact with the outside world long enough to deny making a raunchy sex tape together. It could be the last thing the odd couple ever team up on. James also popped out of rehab for a brief while, only to return a short time later. Meanwhile, a moving van was spotted outside their place in Seal Beach, where Bullock hasn't been in weeks.

AIN'T NO ETERNAL SUNSHINE: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy called it quits after five years together, putting an end to one of the lengthier-by-Hollywood-standards relationships out there. Both are staying incredibly mum on the details, choosing to tweet about how wonderful the other is rather than point fingers. Pretty mature for the respective stars of Dumb and Dumber and Witless Protection.

JUST IN TIME, BRUTHA: Oh, Desmond and Penny. Do you know of a more darling couple on TV right now? Lost finally devoted an entire episode to the star-crossed couple and we enjoyed every second of it. And it's so great to confirm that Des is the glue that's holding this whole enterprise (or world as we know it) together.

Tiger Wood

TEE TIME: Tiger Woods made his return to the professional links, teeing off Thursday at the illustrious Masters Tournament. The chairman of Augusta National Golf Club made sure to let the humbled (or so he seems) all-star know that he let everyone in the universe down—and so he better not mess up their historic green-jacket-awarding event with any personal sideshows (or a lousy opening round). Minus the Blue Baron up in the sky, there was no need to worry: Not only did Tiger shoot a very Tigerish 4-under 68 to end day one two strokes off the lead, but he also had his best first round at the Masters, ever, and nearly 5 million people watched. See how good it feels to tell the truth? The only question remains whether he'll wear his usual red shirt on championship Sunday or a black shirt with a red letter A.

SAVIOR FARE: You voted and now either Chuck, Better Off Ted, One Tree Hill, Life Unexpected, Heroes or Parenthood is going to get the full backing of E! Online's annual Save One Show campaign. We're talking massive amounts of persuasion, so get on in there and vote for the show you don't want to live without next season!

CHERRY BOMB: Nicollette Sheridan sued Desperate Housewives creator and executive producer Marc Cherry for battery and wrongful termination, claiming Cherry put the hit in hit ABC series. She claims that when she complained, Cherry and ABC got rid of her. The network says Sheridan has made bogus claims like this before, but she sure has gotten people talking about Cherry's behind-the-scenes attitude and whether other Housewives have had similar problems with his so-called temper.

TV LAND: American Idol judges pull Michael Lynche back from the brink...The Bachelor and Bachelorette mate, spawn spinoff...Gossip Girl predix...Get the skinny on Bones...Patrick Dempsey dissects Grey's Anatomy...Charlie Sheen tapes season finale of Two and a Half Men, says he's cool with staying or going...Jersey Shore's stint in my Miami will be temporary...Check out an exclusive interview with Survivor's Coach...Oprah lays out her OWN slate.

SAD NEWS: Bruce Beresford-Redman, cocreator of Pimp My Ride and a former producer on Survivor, is a suspect in his wife's death. Monica Beresford-Redman's body was found outside the Cancun hotel where they were vacationing with their two children, who are now in the custody of Bruce's parents while authorities continue their investigation.

Jennifer Aniston

OLD NEWS: Here's a new one. Guess who Jennifer Aniston's supposedly hooking up with now? If you guess Brad Pitt, you're both right and stuck in the early 00's.

REAL COUPLES: George Clooney compliments a breakup rumor...Audrina Patridge and Ryan Cabrera split up...Carrie Underwood's planning on tying the knot in Nashville...Michael Lohan's engagement to Jon Gosselin ex Kate Major has Lindsay Lohan seeing toilet bowls...Hugh Hefner, 84, considers marriage to girlfriend Crystal Harris, 23, possible, at least. Good for him!

BABY TALK: James Van Der Beek and girlfriend Kimberly Brook are expecting their first child...Paula Patton and Robin Thicke welcome a son...Diablo Cody and hubby Dan Maurio made a fetus together...The 19th Duggar, born 17 weeks early, finally left the hospital.

WOMEN SCORNED: "Tiger Woods/Jesse James/Mike Nilon, what do they have in common," began a missive reportedly penned by Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon to her agent hubby's coworkers at CAA, supposedly in retaliation for his rampant infidelity...Olivia Newton-John's presumed-dead beau Patrick McDermott was found alive and well.

IDENTITY CRISIS: Marilyn Manson would prefer that he be mistaken for neither Lady Gaga (but he loves her) nor Michelle "Bombshell" McGee (impression pending).

SAYING GOODBYE: Corey Haim's mom and his celebrity pals, including Corey Feldman, Nicole Eggert, Kristy Swanson and Robin Lively attended a private memorial dinner in Marina Del Ray for the late actor after Feldman announced that Judy Haim was still too traumatized to hold a public memorial for her son.

Jessica SimpsonLEGAL WRANGLING: Hello! apologized to Jude Law in the form of a check...Stacey Dash took out a restraining order against her allegedly abusive usband...Nancy Kerrigan's brother pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in the death of their father...Nicholas Brendon charged with beating up on a cop...Screech facing foreclosure?...Gary Dourdan's girlfriend's domestic-violence arrest attributed to loud sexcapades...Kirk Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones asked for leniency for grandson/stepson Cameron Douglas...California attorney general says Corey Haim did a lot of doctor shopping...Sean Penn was sued by a paparazzo.

SEEN: Jessica Simpson au naturel on the cover of Marie Claire...Lindsay Lohan (wait for it) partying...New Sex & the City 2 trailer, with Aiden!...Kardashian family photos...Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover of Harper's Bazaar...The next Susan Boyle...Lea Michele saying no to fur...Catsuits galore...Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett on the Tonight Show...The Dinner for Schmucks trailer...Justin Bieber on the cover of People...Megan Fox protesting California budget cuts with humor...Bristol Palin warning against teen pregnancy...Avril Lavigne hugging Brody Jenner's mom...Ryan Seacrest on Ellen...Brad and Angie visiting Bosnian refugees.


Are Brad and Jen Really Hooking Up in Secret?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Are Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston Really Hooking Up in Secret?Angie's ex-bodyguard is claiming he helped Brad steal away for liaisons with Jen Aniston. Could he really do that without a billion paps following?

For those of you hoping to follow at home:

What we're talking about here are the allegations recently made by "Bill," a former Brangelina bodyguard and recent In Touch snitch.

According to Bill, Brad Pitt has hooked up with ex Jennifer Aniston no fewer than four times since spring 2009, always at a level of secrecy worthy of the Priory of Sion.

Sure, celebrities do have techniques for sneaking about in relative privacy, and I've got some seriously good tips from a Hollywood security big shot.

But are these methods effective enough to cloak a five-alarm hookup like that? Here are the facts:

Bill claims that Brad and Jen secretly snuggled in some trails off of Western Canyon Road in Beverly Hills on December 9. Bill also insists that Jen arrived in her Bentley, Brad on a motorcycle. The two then talked and hugged and kissed for something like 40 minutes, according to the report.

Now, when celebrities want to knock paparazzi off their trail, there are some techniques that tend to work, at least for a little while. But, according to Eric Konohia, CEO of the security firm BPI Group, those strategies usually involve a team of people and a rigid plan.

"If the celebrities are using any kind of security"—which, by the way, Brad has been known to do—"then we're usually talking about multiple vehicles, switching out cars, make it look like we're doing a departure, and then doing another last-minute switch and having the client use another door."

It's also usually de rigueur for major stars to enter and exit a location using underground parking for such shell games, because they're private property and paparazzi have a harder time getting in, Konohia explains. And when celebrities want serious privacy, you're usually talking about an indoor location, such as an office or hotel, not the open skies.

(Still, even hotel staff can't be trusted to keep secrets, Konohia points out. During a recent trip to Europe with a very high-profile star, the client managed to stay under wraps only for a few days before being forced to switch locations.)

So, given all that, where does that leave the credibility of Bill's report of two A-list stars practically making out in open nature?

"If I was betting man," Konohia declares, "I would bet it didn't happen, or that, if it did, it didn't happen in that fashion. I mean, pulling up in her own car? That car may as well have a beacon on it" when it comes to paparazzi recognition, Konohia says.

And Brad Pitt? Seriously? "Unless he's popping up out of a manhole cover, people tend to know where he is, always. Stars wear disguises and paparazzi still know who they are."


Moving Day at Sandra and Jesse's House?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jesse James is in Arizona rehabbing. Sandra Bullock is in Hollywood recovering. That left the coast clear at the estranged couple's former headquarters for some removing.

A moving truck emblazoned with the logo L.A. Delivery Services was photographed Friday at the Seal Beach, Calif., home that James and Bullock had shared until mid-March, when news of his alleged adultery broke, sending the Oscar-winning actress to the (Hollywood) Hills.

Among the items removed, according to photo agency X17, were a couch, a loveseat and several boxes. No immediate word on the truck's destination.

Except for a quick visit to a friend earlier this week, Bullock, 45, has remained in hiding at her home in the Hollywood Hills. But she has hardly been alone. Staffers at her production company have been paying visits all week long, including being on hand to accept a pizza delivery.

James, 40, meanwhile, has checked into a treatment center to save his marriage. His lawyer, Joe Yanny, told the Associated Press earlier this week that "this whole thing has destroyed Jesse's entire universe [and] right now he is a broken man." Yanny added that James "is in love with Sandra" and "the single most important thing to Mr. James and the children is that marriage somehow survive."

James' mother, Carol, has been taking care of his children at the Seal Beach home in his absence. TMZ photographed Carol and James' daughter Sunny carrying boxes out of the home earlier Saturday.

In a brief statement shortly after word of his alleged infidelities broke, James didn't cop to any philandering, but did say, "It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve every bad thing that is coming my way."

Bullock has yet to comment on the mess—and her silence is deafening.

Just a month ago, things were so much better. Take a look back at Sandra and James' good times in our gallery!


Miley Cyrus, Tyler Perry, Titans Don't Really Clash

Miley Cyrus, Tyler Perry, Celebrity GossipWarner Bros. Pictures; Sam Emerson/Touchtone Pictures

On a box-office weekend of far-ranging missions (and ticket prices), the 3D Clash of the Titans scooped up the most money, an estimated $61.4 million, while Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married, Too? ruled as the top-grosser among 2D-only films, with a huge $30.2 million.

The Last Song, Miley Cyrus' first major venture without Hannah Montana, sounded about right: a fourth-place debut, a $16.2 million Friday-Sunday.

Stay tuned from the complete Top 10 standings.

? Clash of the Titans is the third straight 3D movie to top the weekend box office. In fact, in 14 weekends so far this year, a 3D movie has been on top 10 times. The trend is a matter of appeal?and math. 3D ticket prices are simply higher. As your wallet could have told you.

? Titans actually played in slightly more 2D theaters than 3D ones, but it grossed slighlty more at 3D venues than 2D ones, box-office tracker Exhibitor Relations said.

? Titans' debut was big, but not titanic. 300, from the same studio, and sporting the same kind of man-skirts, but without the help of 3D ticket prices, bowed with more than $70 million three years ago.

? Why Did I Get Married, Too? is Perry's second-biggest opener, and his biggest opener without the help of Madea.

? Since opening Wednesday, The Last Song has grossed $25.6 million. All told, that's nowhere near Dear John, to name another Nicholas Sparks-spawned romantic drama, but it's already bigger than Robert Pattinson's Remember Me, to name another star U-turn. Assessed Exhibitor Relations' Jeff Bock in an email: "I'd say that Miley Cyrus' debut?sans her Disney doppelgänger?is right on target as her formidable tween audience follows her into teenage-dom."

? In its second weekend, How to Train Your Dragon ($29.2 million; $92.3 million overall) held well, even as it lost 3D screens, and its No. 1 spot, to Clash of the Titans.

? Despite its tepid start, Hot Tub Time Machine ($8 million; $27.8 million overall) hung in there with a better-than-average second weekend.

? Matt Damon's $100 million or so Green Zone ($1.2 million) is out of the Top 10 after three weekends, and, whoops, only $33.1 million. (Worldwide, the film has grossed a still-not-good $61.2 million, per Box Office Mojo.)

? In its fifth weekend, Johnny Depp's Alice in Wonderland ($8.3 million) broke the $300 million mark.

Here's a complete rundown of the weekend's top-grossing films Friday-Sunday, per estimates compiled by Exhibitor Relations:

1. Clash of the Titans, $61.4 million
2. Why Did I Get Married, Too, $30.2 million
3. How to Train Your Dragon, $29.2 million
4. The Last Song, $16.2 million
5. Alice in Wonderland, $8.3 million
6. Hot Tub Time Machine, $8 million
7. The Bounty Hunter, $6.2 million
8. Diary of a Wimpy Kid, $5.5 million
9. She's Out of My League, $1.5 million
10. Shutter Island, $1.46 million


Kendra Wilkinson: Pre-Easter Pampering

Out for a little holiday weekend pampering, Kendra Wilkinson was spotted getting prettied up in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday (April 3).

Dressed casually in a pink top with comfy powder blue bottoms, the former Playboy playmate treated her mom, Patty, to a hair styling session at the LMG Salon.


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Hollywood Star News | katherine McPhee Showing Her Back Skin

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Katharine McPhee looks so glamour and gorgeous as she arrives at Glamour Magazine 2009 Women of The Year Honors.
Hmm...her skin look so great. What do you think?

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Hollywood Star News | Lindsay Lohan So So Cleavy

Lindsay Lohan was spotted so cleavy, showing her brown bra, out and about in Beverly Hills.
Looks great huh?!

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